Services & Specialties
Garry Yannakis is a registered Osteopath and Chiropractor with over 30 years
of experience. Garry combines Osteopathic and Chiropractic techniques with
massage, exercise and muscle activation techniques (MIT).
Massage is a “hands on” treatment in which a therapist manipulates muscles and other soft tissues of the body to improve health and well being.
Osteopathy is a therapeutic system of diagnosis and treatment that uses precise manual techniques to restore disordered body framework to optimal mechanical and structural ease.
Corrective Exercise
Corrective Exercise is a form of exercise that brings the body back into a perfect postural position.
Surry Hills Chiropractor
Doctors of Chiropractic specialise in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal problems. Chiropractic focuses on the cause of the problem, and not just the symptoms.
Dr. Garry Yannakis
Dip. Dr of Chiropractic Dip. Dr of Osteopathy
30+ years experience
Garry Yannakis is a registered Osteopath and Chiropractor with over 30 years of experience. Garry combines Osteopathic and Chiropractic techniques with massage, exercise and muscle activation techniques (MIT).
He treats a wide range of conditions from the mild to acute and chronic.

Thousands of Treatments



Friendly Service
Fee Schedule
New Patients
- Initial Consultation, Examination and treatment
- Subsequent Visits $90.00
Pensioners and Students
- Initial Consultation, Examination and treatment
- Subsequent Visits $80.00
Massages - Qualified Massage Therapist
- 90mins massage $130
Stay up to date with health improvements